Automatic network inauguration to IEC standards

 Train control and management applications 

IEC 61375 compliant redundant train wide gigabit Ethernet backbone

The Westermo Viper TBN family offers IEC 61375 compliant automatic network inauguration, with gigabit Ethernet backbone support for coupling multiple consist into an operational train. The Viper TBN family is operability tested with other vendor switches compliant to IEC 61375.

  • Fully EN50155 compliant
  • Redundant Gigabit Ethernet backbone links
  • IEC 61375 compliant with Railway NAT (1-1 NAT)

IEC 61375 is a standardization initiative for critical inter-consist communication to allow coupling of different manufacturers consists together. The result shall be an automatically inaugurated network configuration that allows end devices trainwide communication capabilities. The Westermo Viper TBN is developed according the IEC 61375 requirement and support an Ethernet Backbone configuration with R-NAT (Railway NAT) between all consist forming the train. It supports both multiple consist and backbone network configurations to allow operational (TCMS) and multimedia (CCTV/PIS) to share the same operational train view.

The Viper TBN is controlled from TCMS using communication according Train Real-time Data Protocol (TRDP)

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Westermo provides products and solutions for most networking applications within the rail industry. Our extensive product range and deep understanding of rail applications ensures that we can offer the best solution for your needs.

Mark Gibbs

Sales, Trains and Trackside

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